Greetings, I am Anna Makay.

I am a Hungarian-based female artist and vocalist with a focus on experimental and abstract electronic music, radio shows, and civil rights projects.

My artistic journey is a tapestry woven from the threads of ancient languages and digital landscapes. I sculpt audio landscapes where lyrics blur into the ether, giving birth to a universal language. Each piece emerges from a place of raw improvisation, drawing upon my experiences and the intricate dance between vocal techniques and electronic influences.

In the vast expanse of experimental music, I traverse territories of vocal improvisation, sound poetry, abstract electronics, avant-garde, noise, and beyond. 

Ma’iwa, my collaboration with AIWA, selected by Shape Platform in 2020, delves even deeper into the experimental abyss. Our latest album, 'KIME,' is an auditory expedition where folk-like singing from different eras intermingles with rhythmic drones and utopian ambient, resulting in a conceptual brainstorm of spoken word, dream noise, and diverse electronic genres.

Since 2023, I've been part of Csicskakoporsó - Against folkloric excavation score, where passions and distortions yield nothing, leaving the creators as nobodies. Intentionally and willingly, we embrace comfortable shame. Four individuals emerged from the underground, using instruments and bodies to generate noise; Makay-Nádházi-Czitrom-Bíró. Coffin dancers!

Additionally, in 2023, I collaborated with Orsolya Kaincz to release a live recorded album unlike anything I've ever done before. This time it's all about the clearness of the voice, with odd Hungarian lyrics, accompanied by Orsolya Kaincz and her modular synthesizer. It's called 'Boax', released by PrePost Records.

In addition to my solo ventures, including releases with the esteemed Portuguese label ZABRA, I am deeply committed to community and collaboration. I curate the AZVLM collective and event series, fostering connections and creativity among fellow artists. Additionally, my work extends to the airwaves, where I host music-based podcasts on Lahmacun Radio, engaging with everyday people, promoting Hungarian culture, and weaving harmonies between diverse voices.